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"Antes de descubrir Españolistos, yo había escuchado muchos otros. Nate y Andrea son los mejores."

Greg Fox

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"Españolistos is the best Spanish podcast I've found. I'm able to understand the majority, but it still challenges me. I like that the topics vary, and appreciate the interviews to hear other accents, as well. A great listen for my commute, chores, and walks."

Alyssa Finke

"Me encanta mucho este podcast. Me encanta la sinergia entre ustedes. Es obvio que ustedes apoyan uno al otro y que están enamorados. Sus conversaciones son preciosas."

Valerie Leal

"Your love of teaching comes through each and every podcast. The chemistry between the two of you as a student and a teacher as well as a husband and a wife creates a refreshing environment to learn the language you two love."

Kay Grest
